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Here's Just A Fraction Of What You're Getting:

  • A welcome packet A welcome packet that will help you gain traction in the program quickly, so that you can start to feel shifts right away!

  • ​A 1-on-1 Kickstart Call with a team member to help you get started and customize your path to success

  • An All-Access Pass to The Decision video library to guide you step-by-step through the decision-making process with tools you can begin applying instantly (including a search functionality to point you to any content you need in seconds!)

  • Live Calls with me each month, a live Q&A, a live Coaching Call, a live Teaching Call and an intimate Coffee & Cocktails conversation with me each month.

  • ​​Follow the Success Path: Never wonder where to go or what to do next! Our Success Path is designed to give you the fastest, most direct path to clarity

  • ​Instant Relief for Your Most Pressing Issues: Quickly find issue-specific trainings for your most immediate concerns (like affairs, communication, boundaries, getting your needs met, and being more decisive)

  • ALL teachings come in video, audio, and written transcript format (many with worksheets!) so you can learn in the style that best suits your needs

  • Plus, ​access to our Private Facebook Group, so you can get even more insights and support from myself, my team, and other women who are going through similar challenges.

If you have any questions, 

please email us at:

[email protected]

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