How To Make A Decision About Your Marriage Once And For All

And Finally Unlock The Most Confident, Radiant, And Truly Happy Version Of Yourself!

If you’re the woman who’s an expert at making everyone else happy (your kids, family, friends, neighbors)...

But when it comes to finding your own happiness in the face of a struggling marriage, you feel completely lost, hopeless, and stuck…

This will be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

If you’re the woman who’s an expert at making everyone else happy (your kids, family, friends, neighbors)...

But when it comes to finding your own happiness in the face of a struggling marriage, you feel completely lost, hopeless, and stuck…

This will be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

If you’re someone who reads every marriage-related book you can get your hands on, but you never apply what you learn...

If you often find yourself sitting on the sidelines and complaining about your relationship issues, but never actually doing the work to resolve them…

If you’re looking for a magic pill to instantly “fix” your spouse or the struggles you’re facing…

I’ll just tell you now:

This program is not for you.

While this program will provide you with tons of relationship tools, new insights, and personalized support, it is not a done-for-you service... because only you can do what’s necessary to get your answer for your heart, your marriage, and your life.

Neither you nor your spouse can be "fixed" by this program.

Because, in reality, neither of you are broken! You just haven't been equipped for success.


Genuinely ready to do what it takes to either fully commit to your relationship or lovingly release it.


Willing to make the necessary changes within yourself to become more confident, vibrant, and content than you’ve ever been.


 Aware that with the right teachings and tools, YOU are capable of carrying out a decision about your marriage and creating the life you truly desire.


Motivated to finally get clarity and feel peace in your life and heart.

If you feel that any of the above describes you, THIS PROGRAM CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


Genuinely ready to do what it takes to either fully commit to your relationship or lovingly release it.


Willing to make the necessary changes within yourself to become more confident, vibrant, and content than you’ve ever been.


Genuinely ready to do what it takes to either fully commit to your relationship or lovingly release it.


Willing to make the necessary changes within yourself to become more confident, vibrant, and content than you’ve ever been.

If you feel that any of the above describes you, THIS PROGRAM CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

The Decision: Should I Stay or Go? membership is my most comprehensive program yet to help you come to a decision about your marriage… once and for all!

This program will give you everything you need to find clarity and overcome your endless indecision.

Whether you decide to stay and reconnect with your spouse or peacefully and lovingly leave the relationship, you’ll be equipped to confidently make the decision… with no regrets!

And P.S. This is the LOWEST rate you’ll ever see to join The Decision… and we can’t guarantee you’ll ever see it again.

This program includes:

  • A welcome packet that will help you gain traction in the program quickly, so that you can start to feel shifts right away!

  • A Kickstart Call to help you get started and customize your path to success.

  • An All-Access Pass to The Decision video library to guide you through the decision-making process with tons of relationship tools you can begin applying instantly!

  • Plus, ​access to our Private Members Only Community Area, so you can get even more insights and support from myself, my team, and other women who understand exactly what you’re going through! If you’ve ever felt alone in your marriage struggles, The Community will help you quickly realize you are not walking alone!

  • Live Calls with me each month, a live Q&A, a live Coaching Call, a live Teaching Call and an intimate Coffee & Cocktails conversation each month.

  • Follow the Success Path: Never wonder where to go or what to do next! Our Success Path is designed to give you the fastest, most direct path to clarity.

  • ​Instant Relief for Your Most Pressing Issues: Quickly find issue-specific trainings for your most immediate concerns (like affairs, communication, boundaries, getting your needs met, and being more decisive).

  • ALL teachings come in video, audio, and written transcript format (many with worksheets!) so you can learn in the style that best suits your needs.

Best of all…

The Decision is Specifically Designed to Resolve
ANY Type of Relationship Conflict

My proven process and membership program is designed for any woman struggling to make a decision about their most intimate relationship, whether you’re:

  • Completely unsure of what to do next: You don’t know whether your answer is to stay or go, and you’re terrified of making the wrong decision and living with regret

  • ​​​​Leaning toward fixing your marriage: You want to give your marriage the very best opportunity to evolve and feel good again - but you aren’t sure if that’s possible

  • Leaning toward walking away peacefully: You want to release the marriage, but you’re paralyzed with fear of regret.

  • Experiencing an affair: You or your partner have betrayed the relationship and you’re trying to make sense of how to move forward (one direction or another) for yourself and your family

The Decision: Should I Stay or Go? membership is my most comprehensive program yet to help you come to a decision about your marriage… once and for all!

This program will give you everything you need to find clarity and overcome your endless indecision.

Whether you decide to stay and reconnect with your spouse or peacefully and lovingly leave the relationship, you’ll be equipped to confidently make the decision… with no regrets!

And P.S. This is the LOWEST rate you’ll ever see to join The Decision… and we can’t guarantee you’ll ever see it again.

This program includes:

  • A welcome packet that will help you gain traction in the program quickly, so that you can start to feel shifts right away!

  • A Kickstart Call with a team member to help you get started and customize your path to success.

  • An All-Access Pass to The Decision video library to guide you through the decision-making process with tons of relationship tools you can begin applying instantly!

  • Plus, ​access to our Private Members Only Community Area, so you can get even more insights and support from myself, my team, and other women who understand exactly what you’re going through! If you’ve ever felt alone in your marriage struggles, The Community will help you quickly realize you are not walking alone!

  • Live Calls with me each month, a live Q&A, a live Coaching Call, a live Teaching Call and an intimate Coffee & Cocktails conversation each month.

  • Follow the Success Path: Never wonder where to go or what to do next! Our Success Path is designed to give you the fastest, most direct path to clarity.

  • ​Instant Relief for Your Most Pressing Issues: Quickly find issue-specific trainings for your most immediate concerns (like affairs, communication, boundaries, getting your needs met, and being more decisive).

  • ALL teachings come in video, audio, and written transcript format (many with worksheets!) so you can learn in the style that best suits your needs.

Best of all…

The Decision is Specifically Designed to Resolve
ANY Type of Relationship Conflict

My proven process and membership program is designed for any woman struggling to make a decision about their most intimate relationship, whether you’re:

  • Completely unsure of what to do next: You don’t know whether your answer is to stay or go, and you’re terrified of making the wrong decision and living with regret

  • ​​​​Leaning toward fixing your marriage: You want to give your marriage the very best opportunity to evolve and feel good again - but you aren’t sure if that’s possible

  • Leaning toward walking away peacefully: You want to release the marriage, but you’re paralyzed with fear of regret.

  • Experiencing an affair: You or your partner have betrayed the relationship and you’re trying to make sense of how to move forward (one direction or another) for yourself and your family

You never had a class in school about sustaining passion within a marriage, right?

There was never a class on intimacy, connection, or trusting yourself (or anyone else) emotionally.

Nor do we often discuss our private relationship problems with others.

So when you find yourself stuck in a lonely, passionless marriage 20+ years down the line, you might know that you’re miserable…

But you might also worry that you’re expecting too much out of the situation.

After all, couldn’t this just be “the way marriage is” after so many years together?

Are you being selfish by wanting more than just a roommate and co-parent?

And if you’re really so miserable, why does actually leaving the marriage feel impossible?

Here’s the Truth…

No, you’re not selfish. Quite the opposite, in fact.

At the onset of the “empty-nester” phase, many women find themselves depleted from serving everyone around them for years on end - and completely clueless about how to serve themselves.

They may know how they want to feel, but they don’t know how to get there…

And although they may realize they’re unhappy in their most intimate relationship, they aren’t actually sure what’s possible, and they certainly don’t know how to begin creating change.

So they remain paralyzed with fear, believing they’ll never feel seen, desired, and loved the way they long for.

This can be an unbearably painful state to live in - to the point that you don’t think you can last another day (been there!).

This Pain Doesn’t Have to Last Forever - or Even Until the End of the Year

You have an opportunity right here, right now, to change everything about your life as you know it.

Because when you claim the (relationship) “keys to the kingdom” that I’ve used with my private clients, amazing things will happen.

You’ll know exactly what you deserve and can expect out of your marriage, and you’ll know your next best step on your journey to creating a life you’ll love.

By increasing your confidence and decisiveness, you’ll begin showing up in a new way for all your important relationships (and trust that you’ve got your own back, freeing you to step away from ones that no longer serve you).

And with absolute clarity about what’s possible for your relationship (and what’s not), your brain will finally have the energy to focus on what YOU truly desire for your life and relationship.

Clarity is possible… even if you’ve felt lost and stuck for years!

Whether you ultimately decide to stay or go, this confusing, paralyzing, and turbulent period of your life will come to an end, and you’ll finally have the peace of mind and clarity you’ve been craving for so long - without regrets.

You never had a class in school about sustaining passion within a marriage, right?

There was never a class on intimacy, connection, or trusting yourself (or anyone else) emotionally.

Nor do we often discuss our private relationship problems with others.

So when you find yourself stuck in a lonely, passionless marriage 20+ years down the line, you might know that you’re miserable…

But you might also worry that you’re expecting too much out of the situation.

After all, couldn’t this just be “the way marriage is” after so many years together?

Are you being selfish by wanting more than just a roommate and co-parent?

And if you’re really so miserable, why does actually leaving the marriage feel impossible?

Here’s the Truth…

No, you’re not selfish. Quite the opposite, in fact.

At the onset of the “empty-nester” phase, many women find themselves depleted from serving everyone around them for years on end - and completely clueless about how to serve themselves.

They may know how they want to feel, but they don’t know how to get there…

And although they may realize they’re unhappy in their most intimate relationship, they aren’t actually sure what’s possible, and they certainly don’t know how to begin creating change.

So they remain paralyzed with fear, believing they’ll never feel seen, desired, and loved the way they long for.

This can be an unbearably painful state to live in - to the point that you don’t think you can last another day (been there!).

This Pain Doesn’t Have to Last Forever - or Even Until the End of the Year

You have an opportunity right here, right now, to change everything about your life as you know it.

Because when you claim the (relationship) “keys to the kingdom” that I’ve used with my private clients, amazing things will happen.

You’ll know exactly what you deserve and can expect out of your marriage, and you’ll know your next best step on your journey to creating a life you’ll love.

By increasing your confidence and decisiveness, you’ll begin showing up in a new way for all your important relationships (and trust that you’ve got your own back, freeing you to step away from ones that no longer serve you).

And with absolute clarity about what’s possible for your relationship (and what’s not), your brain will finally have the energy to focus on what YOU truly desire for your life and relationship.

Clarity is possible… even if you’ve felt lost and stuck for years!

Whether you ultimately decide to stay or go, this confusing, paralyzing, and turbulent period of your life will come to an end, and you’ll finally have the peace of mind and clarity you’ve been craving for so long - without regrets.

Join The Decision: Should I Stay or Go? Membership and get started TODAY!

Join The Decision: Should I Stay or Go?
Membership right now and SAVE!

(regular price: $197/month AND a $997 initiation fee)

Get started for just $697 then $197/month!

That’s an instant savings of $300 when you JOIN NOW.

Join The Decision: Should I Stay or Go? Membership and get started TODAY!

Join The Decision: Should I Stay or Go?
Membership right now and SAVE!

(regular price: $197/month AND a $997 initiation fee)

Get started for just $697 then $197/month!

That’s an instant savings of $300 when you JOIN NOW.

Not only can you join The Decision membership program at my lowest rate EVER during this special offer.

I’m also throwing in a special bonus (for Finding Clarity attendees ONLY!) to help you find your way to a decision even faster.

Live Group Call With Sharon

You’ll get an extra small group live call with Sharon

- an intimate opportunity to ask me your unique marriage questions and learn, bond, and grow with like-minded women on the same journey as you.

I’m also throwing in a special bonus to help you find your way to a decision even faster.

You’ll get free copies of 3 of my best relationship books (one of them pre-release!).


This is my bestselling book of all time! If you’re questioning whether you can recover the feelings you’ve lost for your spouse and you’re serious about putting an end to feeling stuck, lost, and alone, this is the book for you. Thousands of women have already used the approach inside to find the confidence and clarity they needed to either fix their marriages or move forward without regret.


This is the “relationship guidebook” we all needed when we got married, but just didn’t receive (or realize we were missing!). Inside, you’ll find 21 real-life tools you can start implementing in your marriage immediately to build the type of connection you’ve been craving.


No one prepares us for marriage past the honeymoon phase -
and certainly not past the 20-year mark. In this book, I’ll walk you through how to navigate a neglected marriage, how to rethink your relationship in the “empty nester” phase, what to expect when menopause comes into play (it has a MUCH bigger impact than most people think!), and more. (This is my NEWEST book that you’ll receive a pre-release copy of!)

But if you join today, you’ll get a FREE three-month pass to my Learning to Love membership program.

Inside, I release daily audio lessons with tools and insights you can use to make your most important relationship feel good and LAST. 

You’ll learn:

  • How to feel validated, understood, appreciated, and KNOWN in your marriage

  • ​​How to restore passion to your marriage (dates you look forward to, late night pillow talk, sex that feels exciting again!)

  • How to make huge shifts in your relationship just with WHAT you say and HOW you say it

  • ​What to do if your division of labor feels unbalanced (and how to move past any resentment it’s caused)

  • How to tell if the new efforts your spouse is making will last (and how to steer things in a healthy direction)

It normally costs $27/month to be a member…

Join The Decision today, you get three months completely free!

If you join today, you have the opportunity to be a part of something bigger!

For all sales on Thursday, May 2nd, we’ll donate 10% to Village Impact, a non-profit that creates education, leadership, and economic opportunities for thousands of children and youth in rural Kenya.

They’ve already built 14 schools, creating 120 classrooms that have impacted the lives of more than 5000 students - with a special emphasis on education for girls in Kenya.

If you want to do something kind for yourself while contributing to a worthy cause… now is your chance.

The Decision membership includes LIVE weekly calls with me!

This is where you can ask me all of your unique relationship questions that have been keeping you stuck for years on end.

Plus, as you run into new difficult circumstances on your journey (which, of course, you will), you’ll always have someone to help guide you along to the next step.

With instant answers from a relationship expert, you’ll be able to find new ways to move forward and make real change in your marriage - the type you’ve been craving!

The Decision membership includes LIVE weekly calls with me!

This is where you can ask me all of your unique relationship questions that have been keeping you stuck for years on end.

Plus, as you run into new difficult circumstances on your journey (which, of course, you will), you’ll always have someone to help guide you along to the next step.

With instant answers from a relationship expert, you’ll be able to find new ways to move forward and make real change in your marriage - the type you’ve been craving!

As I’m sure you know by now, relationships are incredibly complicated.

You didn't get to this place of struggle overnight, so the solutions to these challenges will also not occur overnight.

I imagine that how you feel about your marriage depends on the day.

Some days you feel like things are okay - maybe even good!

And then there are probably other days where you feel frustrated or hopeless.

If you quit on yourself before creating new habits that lead to lasting change in your marriage or a decision that you can see through to the end, you won't have the tools and support you need when things get difficult… which, of course, they will.

So I ask for this commitment because I want you to get to real clarity… and doing so takes some time.

As I’m sure you know by now, relationships are incredibly complicated.

You didn't get to this place of struggle overnight, so the solutions to these challenges will also not occur overnight.

I imagine that how you feel about your marriage depends on the day.

Some days you feel like things are okay - maybe even good!

And then there are probably other days where you feel frustrated or hopeless.

If you quit on yourself before creating new habits that lead to lasting change in your marriage or a decision that you can see through to the end, you won't have the tools and support you need when things get difficult… which, of course, they will.

So I ask for this commitment because I want you to get to real clarity… and doing so takes some time.

When this offer ends on Thursday, May 2nd at 11:59PM PT… you’ll likely never see a price this low for The Decision again.

The program is available for just $197/month (no starting fee!) ONLY until doors close on May 2nd.

It is truly the lowest rate you’ll ever see for The Decision membership program.

And truth be told…

The longer your relationship challenges go unsolved, the more resentments will mount, distances will grow, and hurt will deepen.

If you want to create the best outcome possible for your marriage, there’s no time to waste on courses that reaffirm what you already know or couples counseling that boils down to “venting sessions.”

The time to make real change in your relationship is NOW…

And that’s exactly what I’ll help you do in this program.

Q: What if I can’t afford the price?

A: All I can say is: When something is a priority for us, we are forced to figure it out. If the transmission on our car fails, we figure out how to get it fixed. If our furnace dies in the middle of winter, we figure it out. And shockingly, when we have to hire a divorce attorney and they require a deposit of $5000, we somehow figure that out as well. I'll flip the question and ask you: Why hasn't this been a priority for you? Aren't you, your happiness, and even your marriage and family a priority?

Q: Will this program work for me and my unique situation?

A: Your relationship is unique, of course. But your relationship challenges are (likely) not. You only think they’re unique because we rarely (read: NEVER) talk about our relationship problems with other people! This program (and especially, this community!) will remind you that many of our biggest relationship challenges are actually relatable.

With that said… here’s what this program WON’T solve:

  • Clinical depression/mental illness

  • Addiction

  • Physical abuse in relationships

Q: What if I already know my answer is to leave my marriage?

A: Okay… I hear you, and I understand. But there's some reason why you haven't left and moved through divorce yet! The Decision will either cement your plan in place and give you tools to navigate your many steps through the divorce process so you don't get stuck, or give you something new to consider. But either way… you'll be moving forward!

Q: Can men/my spouse do this program, too?

A: Yes, of course! After coaching women through relationship challenges for more than ten years, many men have found my teachings and perspectives helpful. (Several of those men are in The Decision themselves.) Most men understand the male perspective already, so they can certainly benefit from having the female perspective on relationship challenges. But please pay attention to a few things: (1) I only coach people who "want" coaching (so if your partner isn't asking and you're forcing this upon them in an effort to change him/her, they will not be able to receive any of the teachings I offer); and (2) while the program and my teachings are NOT gender-specific, many of my examples come from the perspective of heterosexual relationships and a woman's point of view. Anyone can benefit from these tools and teachings if they want to, and if they're willing to learn how to engage in relationships differently (because the way you're engaging today clearly isn't working).

Q: What makes this program different from the other courses I’ve already tried?

A: Most relationship programs focus only on content, leaving you to actually apply the teachings (the hardest part!) by yourself. Our members get incredible results because the program encompasses all 3 of the pieces you need to create real change:

  • CONTENT: My content embraces a non-judgemental, yet no-BS approach.

  • COACHING: Our coaching is where we help you apply the tools to your specific circumstances and continue making progress, even when things get hard.

  • COMMUNITY: Our community is a 24/7 sounding board where you can ask all your questions and realize you’re not alone… all in complete privacy.

Q: What if I can’t afford the price?

A: All I can say is: When something is a priority for us, we are forced to figure it out. If the transmission on our car fails, we figure out how to get it fixed. If our furnace dies in the middle of winter, we figure it out. And shockingly, when we have to hire a divorce attorney and they require a deposit of $5000, we somehow figure that out as well. I'll flip the question and ask you: Why hasn't this been a priority for you? Aren't you, your happiness, and even your marriage and family a priority?

Q: Will this program work for me and my unique situation?

A: Your relationship is unique, of course. But your relationship challenges are (likely) not. You only think they’re unique because we rarely (read: NEVER) talk about our relationship problems with other people! This program (and especially, this community!) will remind you that many of our biggest relationship challenges are actually relatable.

With that said… here’s what this program WON’T solve:

  • Clinical depression/mental illness

  • Addiction

  • Physical abuse in relationships

Q: What if I already know my answer is to leave my marriage?

A: Okay… I hear you, and I understand. But there's some reason why you haven't left and moved through divorce yet! The Decision will either cement your plan in place and give you tools to navigate your many steps through the divorce process so you don't get stuck, or give you something new to consider. But either way… you'll be moving forward!

Q: Can men/my spouse do this program, too?

A: Yes, of course! After coaching women through relationship challenges for more than ten years, many men have found my teachings and perspectives helpful. (Several of those men are in The Decision themselves.) Most men understand the male perspective already, so they can certainly benefit from having the female perspective on relationship challenges. But please pay attention to a few things: (1) I only coach people who "want" coaching (so if your partner isn't asking and you're forcing this upon them in an effort to change him/her, they will not be able to receive any of the teachings I offer); and (2) while the program and my teachings are NOT gender-specific, many of my examples come from the perspective of heterosexual relationships and a woman's point of view. Anyone can benefit from these tools and teachings if they want to, and if they're willing to learn how to engage in relationships differently (because the way you're engaging today clearly isn't working).

Q: What makes this program different from the other courses I’ve already tried?

A: Most relationship programs focus only on content, leaving you to actually apply the teachings (the hardest part!) by yourself. Our members get incredible results because the program encompasses all 3 of the pieces you need to create real change:

  • CONTENT: My content embraces a non-judgemental, yet no-BS approach.

  • COACHING: Our coaching is where we help you apply the tools to your specific circumstances and continue making progress, even when things get hard.

  • COMMUNITY: Our community is a 24/7 sounding board where you can ask all your questions and realize you’re not alone… all in complete privacy.

Okay! I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter, and I hope you find peace and contentment in your relationship soon.

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